crowderIt takes ponies to make a polo game, but it takes people to make a polo club!

some simple things we Californians need to realize if this great sport can survive . This cartoon and message from long ago says it all . We see great crowds in San Diego and Empire Polo and they have 8 goal polo top we see good crowds at El Dorado at 12 goals at Santa Barbara we now have 16 down from 20 goal and we have people never a crowd . We have all the ingredients the Desert for Winter Polo for amazing Polo is the best show on earth. Empire Polo club is Al Haagans baby and it makes IPC look like a pedestrian place and any other Polo Club on Earth absolutely spectacular even if you do not play Polo and 2500 people a week from High end dining to tailgate You know you have two tournament games ever week for 3 months if you want them practice for ever day but Monday if want something else and they will work with you and make it fit your schedule . Next door like over the fence El Dorado has lots of fields a higher level of Polo and both places will make Florida prices seem unreal and you do not get rained out . They have from 0 goal to 12 with Pro pools for sometime visitors and @ a price that will make you soooooo Happy.
You will never be unhappy and your wallet will still feel fine . They have coaching leagues for new people and they have kids and Junior polo for the young guns . Another thing about California Polo is we do have some of the best young players in America and there only chance of a future is to leave . WHY ? The American Team in last World Cup was 3 westerners and if one other could have gone it would have been 4 .
We have the talent and the fields now we need some Patrons who want to make Polo there destiny and enjoy the King of Sports , We need the Pat Nesbitts and Glen Holdens who made this a place to be the Walkers are still going and thank God for that Danny is still running at well not as old as me but close and Son Matt maybe back in action soon and Henry is still moving and has a Young gun named Charlie but we need some more People to care and obviously some management to get it rolling .
For years Chicago some New York lots of Texas, OK and Kansas headed our way as well as Missouri in the Winter and now they go South to Fl at double the price and 1/2 the Polo . WHY ?
Summer Polo in Santa Barbara was like WOW hard to get in and fields were weak now they are many more and much better and we have less teams than fields . WHY ?
This is an idea of horse sales in Argentina and the big boys have not started yet .
Here are some sites to see from Carlos Naish about Horse sales early on in Arg. season Look these up
POLO Properties for sale this first one is not but WOW would be awesome
Unbeliveable place for sale and you will never believe where it is made for
Polo Field. Please look going on Auction soon
Glen Holdens old Place is smack dab in middle of SB Polo and for sale ;
Zacara @ El Capitan a field on the Sea with magic in the mountains behind it.
In the Polo World around here it was Scott Walker putting the whoa on them all with a huge Over time goal in the finals of the Will Rodgers .
The face of Polo Nacho Figueras was his usual spectacular self as there was no room left in LA at the big Charity . We need this Man 24 -7 in California .
Way down south like BA it is Fearless Fred as in Mannix trying to get back to the top 2 in the World but so far has had to settle for 3 rd in the first 2 but it’s OPen Time and Mannix’s love the Opens . Good luck FM2 and Alegria. Young Julian is also doing well as he heads to the semis along with Clemente Zavaletta for the Pilar Muncpial a 25 goal tournament and Ben Solemani is 2 and 0 with Restoration Hardware in the Elerstina Gold Cup which he was first American to win it last year .
Lots of action going on in South Florida and North as Villages is smoking and the Ganzi Gang has Palm beach rocking at Grand Champions
see ya


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