By Victoria Elsbury-Legg
In recent weeks ‘rugby’ rather than ‘polo’ may have been in the forefront of many a sportsman’s mind, but as Twickenham plays host to the final match in the 2015 Rugby World Cup this weekend play will also begin at Rugby Polo Club with the start of their Arena season. Based at Onley Grounds Farm near Dunchurch, home to The Onley Grounds Equestrian Complex, final preparations of the Arena have been made for the opening matches of the 2015 Arena season, which kick off on Saturday 31st October & 1st November with the Lagrima Trophy.
Started in 2000 by brothers Philip and David Baker, the Club’s main focus is on ‘the development in polo and ‘grass roots’ polo’- helping people to start in the sport under the watchful eye of HPA coaches, and working closely with local schools and universities. Polo tournaments are hosted at the Club every year during winter and summer months, with Onley Ground Equestrian Complex hosting further equestrian events in other disciplines.
Some key highlights of this winter Arena season at the Club will be a 10-12 goal tournament scheduled to be held on 9th and 10th January 2016, followed by the very popular Midlands Polo Festival to be held at the Club from 25th – 27th March – a fixture now in its third year. The Midlands Polo Festival will run five separate tournaments over three days: a high goal (13-15 goal), 6-8 goal, 2-4 goal and a university and schools section. During all the events taking place, spectators and players will be able to enjoy other facilities alongside the polo, including the newly refurbished function room and Forge Restaurant.
For further details contact RAPC Polo Manager Jeremy Pidgeon on
Rugby Polo Club – Arena Tournament Dates 2015-16
31st October & 1st November – Lagrima Trophy(0 to 4)& (4 to 8)
21st & 22nd November- University Challenge
12th & 13th December – The Sworders’ Trophy (-3 to 0) & (2 to 6)
19th & 20th December – The WPPG Cup (-2 to 2) & (6 to 10)
28th December- OGEC Fun Day
9th & 10th January – The New Year’s Cup (-3 to 0) & (4 to 8) & (10 to 12) / (13 to 15)
30th & 31st January – Kangaroo Challenge (0 to 4) & (2 to 6)
11th to 14th February – University Nationals
6th March – National Senior Schools Tournament
19th & 20th March – The Toft Shield (-3 to 0) & (4 to 8)
25th, 26th & 27th March – Midlands Polo Festival
16th & 17th April – The Final Arena Challenge (0-4) & (6 to 10)
23rd & 24th April – Amateur Polo Challenge