Polo Times and The Polo Magazine Spotlighting Top Level Players
Although, of course professionally impartial, one can’t deny that everyone loves the story of an underdog. Newcomers and Queen’s Cup first timers, La Indiana surprised everyone on Wednesday 8 June with an incredible win over last year’s title holders, winners of The Tiffany and Co. Most Outstanding High Goal Team at the Polo Awards and all round super team, King Power Foxes. Polo Times and The Polo Magazine have a soft spot for La Indiana, having coincidentally, featured most of their line-up and team in interviews, features and Guest Editorships this year.
A terrific performance from 7 goaler Nic Roldan was key to the Semi Final win and we are proud to have had Nic as our Guest Editor for our April edition of Polo Times. Nic took us through the ins and outs of the US season, introduced us to some players to watch, some ponies to keep an eye on and the great work that Brooke USA is doing for equine welfare.
The Polo Magazine is proud to have picked out the stars of this year’s high goal season, featuring Agustín ‘Tincho’ Merlos in the Spring edition in a full length interview, going behind the family name to see what makes this top player tick. With fantastic imagery from photographer Irina Kazaridi, The Polo Magazine explored the life, family, priorities and career of this talented 8 goaler.
The Polo Magazine also highlighted Julian De Lusarreta in the High Goal Guide as one to watch for this season after his successful season in the States and following his US Open win with Orchard Hill. It seems he has brought the winning streak with him to the UK and we look forward to seeing how the season progresses.
And last, but by no means least, our very own contributor, Fitness for Polo’s Martín Perez, when not busy providing articles, exercises and advice for our Polo Times readers, has been working tirelessly behind the scenes of the team to keep them in tip top condition, ready to take on and beat the best teams in the world. A key member of the La Indiana backstage army, he keeps the players fit, healthy and injury free. Martín also featured in the current Summer’16 issue of The Polo Magazine’s regular My Favourite Things piece.
Keep up the good work guys and all the best to everyone playing in Saturday’s Final!
Photograph: The April Issue of Polo Times was Guest Edited by La Indiana teammate Nic Roldan