AAP Triple Crown

Rule Changes for the 2017-2018 season

The Argentine Polo Association (AAP) has announced a number of modifications to the Triple Crown rules for the upcoming series. The new changes will be signed by the Presidents of the host clubs and will be immediately implemented in the tournaments. The new rules are aimed at creating more dynamic polo, which is less dangerous for both players and ponies and also easier to umpire. It is also hoped that the new rules will make the action more attractive to spectators. The proposed changes are detailed in full on the AAP website, but below is a brief outline of the new rules:

• Disallow blocking
• Remove throw-ins from the sides
• Eliminate slow play
• The Off-Side rule will be applied
• After the first bell, play will continue even if the ball touches the boards
• Apply the same rule as in English polo that the first player to reach the ball and cross the line with distance and/or without risk, no foul will be applied
There are also rules aimed to improve discipline and take care of players involved:
• Yellow Cards: dangerous plays will be penalised with a yellow card, if a player receives two yellow cards they must leave the pitch for two minutes
• Players won’t be able to defend 30 yard penalties
There will also be alterations to the duration of the matches with the aim of maintaining the attention of spectators.
• Change the playing time: chukkas will be six minutes until the first bell, after that a maximum of 30 seconds will be played or until a goal is scored, there is a foul or the ball goes out of play
• Vary the number of chukkas: Tortugas and Palermo will continue to play seven and eight chukkas, respectively, while in the Hurlingham Open the number of chukkas will drop from eight to seven, except in the Final, which will continue to be played for eight periods.
• Limit the time to execute penalties: the players will only have 20 seconds to take a penalty
• Limit time for injuries: players will have a five minute maximum
• Horse injuries: if a pony is visibly injured, the umpire can stop the clock to authorise a substitute. That horse cannot play again in any way in that match. If the horse returns, the team will lose the points immediately. In the case of a cut, the horse can leave, be treated and return to play
• The time between chukkas will be three minutes maximum
The AAP have also included  changes to the ranking systems and points, which are also available on the AAP website, click here to read more.
Photograph: The AAP have announced a number of modifications to the Triple Crown rules for the upcoming series. By ©www.imagesofpolo.com

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