The VI Breeders Tournament, organised by the Argentine Polo Ponies Breeders Association, kicked off on Tuesday at the AAP Fields in Pilar. A total of 4 matches were played in the opening matchday, although the most important thing, as usual with this tournament, were the horses. The best of them were picked for the upcoming fixtures and the final, to be played next Saturday.
The picked horses were the following:
Zone 1:
-At Polo Pureza 6-11 Cautiva: Pite Gucci (Grappa Granado x Medalla). Breeder and Owner: Juan Ignacio Merlos.
-At Dolfina Patinadora 5-10 Antu Wallung Viajera: Majito Merenguera (Grappa Granado x Dolfina Cumbiera). Breeder and Owner: Federico Virasoro.
Zone 2:
-At Gete Galgo 5-9 Zippy: Oriental Peseta (Durazno x Classic Penny). Breeder and Owner: La Sterlina S.A.
-At Alberta Supernova 6-8 Arroba Digital: Alberta Suzette (Garufa x Sacapuntas). Breeder and Owner: Alegria Polo Lands.
The tournament will resume on Thursday with the first matches at 1:30pm. Up next, will be the time for the 2° Action of Mounted ones.
Zone 1:
-1.30pm: Cautiva vs Antu Wallung Viajera
-3pm: Polo Pureza vs Dolfina Patinadora
Zone 2:
-1.30pm: Zippy vs Arroba Digital
-3pm: Gete Galgo vs Alberta Supernova