The Gold Cup is underway at Santa Maria Polo Club, in Sotogrande; three categories of the tournament are being played: High-Goal (up to 20 goals), Medium-Goal (up to 14 goals) and Low-Goal (up to 6 goals).
Latest results:
Dubai 11-12 La Indiana
Dubai 18-11 Dos Lunas
Bardon 4-6 Lechuza Caracas
The high goal Gold Cup will resume on Tuesday with the semifinals:
4:50pm: Lechuza vs Dubai
6:40pm: La Indiana vs Bardon
The final is scheduled for Friday, August 31st, and will be streamed live on Pololine TV.
COPA DE ORO (HIGH-GOAL): Fixture & Teams
Lastest results:
MB POLO 14-6 Marques Riscal
Ayala 13-10 Royal Salute
Cotton House 13-11 Golden Goose
Sainte Mesme 12-11 Marques Riscal
Cotton House 10-13 Royal Salute
Golden Goose 12-13 Sainte Mesme
The Medium-Goal Gold Cup will continue on Wednesday with the semifinals:
5pm: Ayala vs Royal Salute
6:30pm: Sainte Mesme vs MB Polo
The final is scheduled for Saturday, September 1st.
COPA DE ORO (MEDIUM GOAL): Fixture & Equipos
Latest results:
La Isla 9-12 La Esperanza
Brunei 12-11 Aguilas
The competition will continue on Monday:
11am: Brunei vs La Isla
12:15pm: Sotoisola vs La Esperanza
The final is scheduled for Saturday, September 1st.