New Era For SATS

George Amor to take over from Tony Emerson

Today, Wednesday 18 July, it has been announced that after 28 years selling equipment to polo players, polo stables and clubs, Tony Emerson has passed on the stock and trading names of SATS and SATSfaction to George Amor. George, a 2 goal player originally based in Taunton, will continue the SATS tradition of trading out of Cirencester for the foreseeable future. Polo Times’ sister publication, The Polo Magazine, first spotlighted George when he was 19-years-old, in The Polo Magazine “Introduces” feature in the Summer 2009 issue, whilst he was playing polo in Barbados as part of the HPA Overseas Work Experience Bursary.
Tony commented, “At the age of 75-years-old, my body is complaining too much about loading and unloading kit and I cannot get my head round internet marketing. I will, however, continue to run my wholesale business and my imports and exports to Latin America, trading as South American Trade Services.”

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