Copa Republica Argentina: Semifinalists to emerge on Monday

Thee Copa Republica Argentina resumed on a very busy Saturday, that showcased six games, split between Palermo, and on the AAP grounds, set in Pilar.


A total of twelve teams up to 24 goals are in competition, in search of the most coveted trophy of the Autumn season in Argentina.


The results of the matches played on Saturday April 6, are the following:


League A (AAP Pilar)

Coronel Suárez 14-13 Fortín Mulitas

La Esquina 15-10 La Quebrada


League B (Palermo Ground 2)

Trenque Lauquen 10-6 LZ Cartagena de Indias

La Chavita 12-7 La Bamba de Areco


League C (AAP Pilar)

La Quinta 12-11 La Natividad

Chapaleufú 9-8 El Desafío


The semifinalists of the Copa República Argentina will emerge on Monday April 8, after the last qualifying leg:

League A (AAP Pilar)

10:30am: Coronel Suárez vs. La Quebrada

12:30pm: La Esquina vs. Fortín Mulitas.


League (AAP Pilar)

10:30am: La Chavita vs. LZ Cartagena de Indias

12:30pm: La Bamba de Areco vs. Trenque Lauquen.


League (Palermo Ground 2)

12:30pm: El Desafío vs. La Natividad

2:30pm: Chapaleufú vs. La Quinta.






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