Honda Polo Cup 2019 gets underway

Six (6) teams line up to feature in the 2019 Honda Polo Cup which will roll into action starting today at Lahore Polo Club ground.

As announced by President Lahore Polo Club, Malik Atif Yar Tiwana, top six teams have lined up to feature in the 12-goal tournament and these teams have been divided into two pools.
Following is the pool distribution:
Pool A: Master Paints Black, NM States and Olympia/Momin Ghee.
Pool B:Master Paints/Guard Group, Barry’s and Newage/Diamond Paints.
Today, Master Paints Black will vie against NM State at 02:00 PM while Master Paints/Guard Group will be playing in the second match of the day at 03:00 PM. The finals of the tournament will be played on Sunday.
The LPC President said that a great number of foreign players have been featuring in the high-goal season, which is making the events very challenging and action-packed and providing great opportunities to the spectators to witness high-quality polo throughout the high-goal season.

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