The Newport International Series

Newport vs. Boston

Newport, RI (July 29, 2020)

The Newport International Polo Series will host Newport vs. Boston on Saturday, August 1 at 5pm, as the home team faces its 2nd City Series opponent of the season.

“Newport’s oldest city rival, Boston, is bearing down the pike this weekend to defend last year’s narrow victory and wrest the perpetual silver trophy from its mantle in our annual faceoff,” explains Dan Keating, captain, “and we are tooling up for a major showdown.” 

The rift can be traced back to early colonial times when dissidents splintered off from Puritan Boston, by choice or by excommunication, to seek greater religious freedom in new settlements to the south. 

The rematch between the two teams will be the 10th consecutive annual clash, in which Newport has prevailed on 6 previous occasions, to be witnessed by a spectator audience in one of this season’s rare 17 matches, still the only live sporting event in New England since the start of the pandemic.  Limited seating is available, online only, at

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