Whether in Wellington, Florida, for the season or visiting from out of town, there are multiple ways for USPA Members to experience and enjoy the inaugural 2023 season of the National Polo Center.
During the week (Monday through Saturday), USPA Members in good standing can stop in for a very reasonably priced lunch on the terrace at the Pavilion overlooking U.S. Polo Assn. Field One. On Sundays, a dedicated block of seats in the stadium will be reserved for purchase by USPA Members. In addition, members are welcome at the Victory Party after the trophy presentation following each Sunday game.
For those visiting from out of town, NPC has developed the USPA Visiting Member Program, which provides USPA members with the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of the private Polo Club at NPC during their stay. Subject to availability, and once per season for $250, a visiting member can join and have access to the Polo Club’s Mallet Grille, 7th Chukker, tennis facilities, gym, pool and spa for any eight consecutive days during the season. If timed right, visitors could see two Sunday games!

The Mallet Grille at The Polo Club at NPC. ©Chrissy Brahney
USPA members will be responsible for all charges incurred at NPC. For Sunday tickets, contact NPC Box Office Manager Julie Check at jcheck@nationalpolocenter.com and for USPA Visiting Membership Program details contact NPC Director of Membership Carole Thompson at cthompson@nationalpolocenter.com.NATIONAL POLO CENTER – WELLINGTON